Wednesday 6 April 2011

Forget Blake... all hail Queen of Essex: Amy Childs

The only way is Essex, is back on our screens finally! with new characters such as Joey Essex, Chloe and Paloma, Amy's newly hired "mini-me", Amy a personal favourite of ours is so watchable that even she admits to tuning into the show,(you can tell us to "shutup" but its true) 'How can I not watch it...It’s brilliant though. I like it.'
Amy further added: 'I don’t regret nothing. I’ve come across as the fun character, the nice person...Sometimes I think, “Amy, you’ve got to think before you speak”, but at the end of the day that’s me and I let it all out.'

All hail Queen Amy the first of Essex


P.S. Amy please never think before you speak... its an overrated concept

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